"What puzzled me even more was Dr.Strange. Who can level Galactus, yet got owned by WWH."
Galactus pawned classic Dr. Strange on two occasions IIRC. Are you really going to underestimate Galactus of all people?
He's one of the most worfed cosmic entities, though.
Galacus yes! The same one who gets his ass kicked by the Fantastic 4 on a regular basis.
Because of Reed 'deux ex machina' Richards and the Watcher stealing the Ultimate Nullifier, and that's if he is done right. There was a reason why Stan Lee feared Galactus shouldn't be used much, and that is because people like you would undermine what he has usually been capable of doing. You saw what a weakened Galactus could do in Annihilation... and to World War Hulk. Otherwise since you love wanking one and demoting the other, what about when Strange feared Loki? Look at any thread (especially comicvine) regarding Dr. Strange and Galactus to understand how much of a stomp the battle really would be.
Galactus is a major cosmic entity, so he should win without any effort. Problem is, Galactus winning would mean the heroes losing - and much worse : the Earth destroyed. I'm not sure it would be good for the future of the Marvel empire ^ ^;
Narrative Causality at work, my friend. No matter how much superior a character effectively is, if the plot is against him, he'll still lose all the same.
But other than that, there are ways to write him well. In my opinion, he should not have been used (and abused) so much that he lost his aura of power and cosmic transcendence as Addikhabbo has frankly shown.
Losers never amount to much in anyone's eyes, no matter how powerful they are supposed to be. So while he's technically not allowed to win anyway, they should still have made the heroes' inevitable victory a little more in tune with the overwhelming gape in power.
Personally, I'd like to see villains really wining and slaughtering the heroes more often, if only to prove that they can. The fact they are usuallly there only to offer the heroes someone to beat makes them really pathetic, and the shows themselves fake and hypocritical.
i Agree x10^50505e+90909
divine forces
summon intangible stuff, the all matter guy couldn't manipulate it.. BOOM