Any ideas for new superpowers?! Mine is Omni-vision! With this power, you can do anything using your vision!
Any ideas for new superpowers?! Mine is Omni-vision! With this power, you can do anything using your vision!
Say what about a superpower that's like the exact opposite of Meta Miracle Manipulation? Where the user is completely and utterly inevitable with no mortal, immortal, god, concept, power or miracle can stop them?
what,s a Meta Ascension?
True Omnipotence : the power to become unstoppable and limitless/Unlimited
True Omniscience : to become know anything and other worlds
True omnipresence :the power to become present anywhere and present in unlimited world
I made a character that has a power that combined Quantum String Manipulation and Space-Time Fabric Manipulation. The power works by allowing the user to manipulate the "Threads of Reality" which held the Fabric of reality together. The idea is that reality is a fabric that is sewn together infinitely in every direction so. I shall explain this in more detail later.
MIROS: One of two abilities used to cross over into alternate timelines through mirrors or other artificial reflective surfaces via an outerversal realm called Scáthán. An endless mazelike realm of infinite reflections, residing outside the known universe that transcends our own space-time, allowing for travel into other timelines or even entirely different worldlines and dimensions depending on the entry point and power utilized.
Limitations: The less clear the reflection, the more different the destination world will be from current timeline.
Trivia: While not fully understood, it appears that the main difference between this power and that of VIROS, is order. Or, rather, the fact that MIROS functions in a more ordered way overall, unlike VIROS, which relies more on chance when transporting its users into the portion of Scáthán where other worldlines and dimensions can be accessed. Hence the reason why users of VIROS are restricted to using more turbulent reflective surfaces such as puddles or highly reflective water in general.
Greatmaster901 wrote: what,s a Meta Ascension?
A advanced version of Almighty Ascension except you ascend to true omnipotence instead of nigh omnipotence.