For those who’ve followed Corrupt a Wish, welcome back!
For those new, here are the rules:
You have to wish for something, like “I wish for a dog.”
The person who replies next has to corrupt that wish. For example:
User 1: “I wish for a dog.”
User 2: “Granted, but it’s rabid.”
No adding on to your wishes. For example:
User 1: “I wish for a dog.”
User 2: “Granted, but it’s rabid.”
User 1: “I wish it was a nice dog.”
Also, no repeating your wishes.
User 1: “I wish for a dog.”
User 2: “Granted, but it’s rabid.”
User 1: “I wish for a dog.”
User 2: “Ehm...you already wished for that.”
User 1: “Are you going to give me what I wished for?”
No wishing for unlimited Omnipotence.
And no wishes for something like this:
User 1: “I wish for my wishes to be uncorruptable.”
Because it goes against the rules of the thread.
Or this:
User 1: “I wish to grant wishes.”
Because that’s just stupid.
Now with that in mind, let the games begin!