Could GOD erase souls from existince? There wasn’t enough space above to type this!
Could GOD erase souls from existince? There wasn’t enough space above to type this!
After the creation came Jesus, who performed hundreds of miracles that scientists today have no hope of explaining. Past that, there has been no need for obvious miracles, but still people get cured from life threatening diseases, our missing dogs come back, the world is filled to the brim with miracles, you need only open your eyes to see them
How good are the records of that time? Many of the things he was said to do can actually be explained scientifically, and the rest are likely exaggerations of something that did happen.
The amount of bad in the world suggests that that's just chance. Corruption runs rampant, the universe is technically on its way to pulling us all apart...
@The God Of Procrastination Love. This. Guy. This guy is the person who's like me.
In the Mahabharat (Hindu epic), people had supernatural abilities. I was like "Nah".
There was no exaggeration. The disciples (the people who wrote about Jesus) were told to write everything down exactly as it happened. No exaggeration. This is going to sound like a dumb argument, but we know the Bible is true because it says it’s true. Every fact it states ties so perfectly with every other fact. Also, the world in the state it is now was prophesied. The book of revelation says that as we get closer to the second coming, life would get even worse for the churches. Every day it would get more and more tempting to believe god is not in control. Seeing the world as it is now just gives me hope
Stories can get flipped up to time.
Not if their written on the spot
It doesn't matter if it's written on the spot. It can be altered by other people and distorted with ease.
Oh sure. You know the alterations? Different translations. One version calls Peter by his first name
The bible was written completely and published in the 5th century. Scribes still existed and there isn't 0 chance that they could've added their own shit. For example, Buddha is normally portrayed as a healthy and fit man, but he was skinny as hell.
A similar thing happened to the Bible actually. You know how Jesus is always portrayed as white?
What do you think?