122 Votes in Poll
Biotech with shapeshifting as my power
I choose Space Pirates with
I will be the captain of the Space Pirate crew and become the king of the Space Pirates.
Space pirates with a Fusion of theses Three :v ( just think of it as a "personalized nanites")
Reactive Adaptation
Cyber Mind
I chose Bio-Technological Empire with a fusion of:
Abd Yes, This is Less OP in my language and if you do not believe me, look at my other posts, then you will know what OP is.
Don't yall wanna explore stuff???
I choose bio technological empire
The power I choose with this is a combination of orgamech manipulation and biological essence manipulation.
Well I'm going to be space pirate king.
Power: Anime & Manga Physics
Space Pirate, Mad Eyed Kevin
Space Pirates can include every single one of these options, so who wouldn't choose Space Pirates ?!
Space pirates
Power: matter absorption (think absorbing man)
What do you think?