Hello everyone !
Since a consensus building section has been created, I would like to submit an idea to the SPW community, that had been ping-ponging in the back of my mind for a while, and rose to clarity about a week ago.
The idea of Bureaucratic counter-power.
What does that mean ? Well, essentially it would be a community-driven decisional power, that would complete and balance that of the Staff, which traditionally holds a hierarchical monopoly on all decision-making pertaining to the Wiki, particularly the highest echelon that all others answer to.
They may be more or less receptive to users’ opinion, and often are depending on how much it aligns with their own, but ultimately they and they alone make the calls and have final say on everything, so the Staff-centered decisional monopoly remains very much real, which may not be such a good thing.
So I guess what I’m asking is simply : would you like to have a community-based real power of your own, that doesn’t entirely depends on the good graces of the Staff, and that they would have to properly account for and negotiate with, even if your view doesn’t align with theirs ?
As of now, the form and workings of this decisional counter-balance are yet to figure out.
But before that, it seems wise to openly ask what the community thinks about the idea.
So, the floor is yours. Would you like to ? And if so, which approach would you prefer ?