totality supposed to be the sum of everything, that means cosmic and non-cosmic.
Existed and non-existed so it can't be cosmic based if it beyond cosmic. cosmic is part of it.
That my understanding of it.
@Rkv0, @OtakuRazz20, I think @Kool Wraith would disagree with you, check this link out:
Check out this Discussion post on Fandom
Although in my opinion @Rkv0, I Think that totality manipulation and any power associated with the totality of all things would be considered meta-cosmological such like the multiverse, which is basically just a bigger version of the cosmos, What we referred to as the cosmos or observable universe is just a small specked in an even bigger reality than we can even comprehend. As stated from a quote from the Pataphysics manipulation page of this wiki, There's always more to reality than one imagines. Professor Paradox (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
@Heartz13 I didn’t say anything about Totality. I think that it’s almost incomprehensible to even imagine. Let’s just say in lamest terms your broken beyond belief lol
Also Totality encompasses more than the cosmos
I honestly think it represents the highest form of the cosmos, The totality is the Omniversal Reality, The multiverse of multiverses of multiverses of multiverses of multiverses of multiverses ^ Googolplex ^ π, if there is a meta-cosmology for the Omniversal Reality that is totality, then it’s a really big one I can tell you that much.
Also, @OtakuRazz20 I know you didn’t say anything about it, @Kool Wraith did!!! although if I’m being completely honest, Most of this comes from personal belief, not actual fact. I truly think that there’s more to the Cosmos then we can even comprehend.
@Heartz13 Fantastic point although it’s speculation, however the concept is not lost to you. You understood very well. A multiverse of multiverses, would exist across 5 Dimensions. Commonly called a Quasiverse.
Further from there you reach higher existences. 6th Dimensional, 7th Dimensional, 8th Dimensional. Up until you get to 10 which is considered the Highest naturally occurring dimensional plane. Cited as an Omniverse.
There are characters beyond this, such as Archie Sonic who is 11th Dimensional. 2x Omniversal.
Infinite Dimensional characters are cited as Hyperversal. Those would be able to control all of Totality.
Then there are Outerversal characters who don’t have dimensional limits. No restriction to any space or time. Such as the Outer Gods in Cthulhu Mythos.
Finally, Omnipotent characters, the true limitless.
@Kool Wraith thank you, you read my reply and you came here. Thank you buddy for explaining it. The totality of all things is The omniverse. Also I don’t really belive anything is beyond totality (other than nonexistence, Which is the totality of True nothingness) since totality represents everything that is, I’m non rejecting the concept of those who aren’t bound to any reality (also known as totality connection).
But thanks for replying and giving your opinion!!! Do you think totality should be a cosmic power!? Is the outerverse also known as nonexistence (unreality)?
@Heartz13 The Outerverse isn’t actually a place so it’s not really a question I can answer. It’s more or less the true state of being unbound by dimensional limits. Sort of like a black hole that would exist on all dimensions.
The totality is everything and the further you go, it’s only more of the same. To whether it’s a cosmic power the answer is more complicated. The Cosmos can be considered limited to 3 Dimensions, on the other hand The Totality is the concept of everything, that’s the most accurate answer I can provide.
Because it’s bigger than Cosmic. It includes all of everything, not just all of the cosmos.
I think multiversal and omniversal concepts should be classified as Meta-Cosmology because it goes Beyond the known reality!?
as for you @Kool Wraith your answers never seem to disappoint, thanks for your reply. Good luck!!!
@Heartz13 in the end it entirely up to the user interpretation, no one really understand such concepts fully and they are not scientifically factual so whatever the storyteller's interpretation it's the true interpretation.
The dimensional tiring, outverse, unreality, the void, all depend on storyteller's interpretation.
What do you think?