With all due respect @Clara Sirius, @RyanKraftBR, and @Yagworm, I disagree. There is a fine line between what are mutants, and what are empowered subjects. It makes no sense that a term for a monster is used for an empowered human. Micromutations is a type of mutation that is on a small-scale, and it can be visible too within the rational category. But when it comes to extreme ones, which is mutation, then that's when the subject when becoming a Mutant.
In this day and age, it is a time where word definitions are manipulated when it suits other people. Words should be left at a 100% accurate definition, and that should be it.
The worst-case scenario is that the term social justice warrior is distorted by some sort of heartless demagogue into being a negative term, when it shouldn't be. This is how it really feels like when I think of the term Mutant being used on various subject races, where it mustn't fit in. If I had any influence, and while it may sound vindictive, I would make changing definitions to words capriciously and arbitrarily, illegal unless it should be under lawful consent to do so. I just find it really frustrating that this is also an IRL issue that refuses to go away, and now it has become the norm when it shouldn't be.
There needs to be a new wave of measures to differentiate things.