I would create a human avatar to interact in the reality I once Lived in, With mortal level thoughts and emotions! And every time I use this avatar, I feel a little bit more human!
But whenever I’m not using it, I’m an all powerful metaphysical entity That both personifies The totality of everything that does and doesn’t exist, as well as try to record the secrets of the universe in a language that anthropopathic (sentient) humanoid entities can understand!!! So that one day human science Can improve beyond anything we have accomplished and that humans will not only fix the world using this knowledge, but also allow humanity to become the most powerful Intergalactic Civilization in the universe!
My human avatar will Spread the knowledge of the cosmos across human civilization and bringing an end to all Wars, Pollution, Disease and all other conflicts!!!
The human will take credit for it obviously, nobody will ever know about the true entity who discovered it. I will be an unknown deity Who will not be seen, heard, known about or worshiped by humanity. My only reward will be to watch humanity become better than they will ever be on it’s own.