Shadows Against the Light is my Original Series that I've been working on for a while. Currently, I'm finished with my 17th chapter and I'm keeping it a secret for now. But this RP is going to be amazing.
So here's the plot:
600 years ago, the two clans of Sun and Moon were able to be around each other in peace. There were rules to keep it that way and the most important one was for the Penumbra (Moon) and Lumino (Sun) Clans to not interbreed for it would disturb the balance of light and darkness. It took two people in a forbidden love to create the forbidden child. His name is Crow and he's the reason why the Blood Wars are currently being fought even today.
Due to him being a hybrid between the Penumbra and Lumino Clans, he has abilities of both and must find a way to stop the war that he started- even if it wasn't his fault.
In the RP:
You can only be in one of the clans as there is only one hybrid and that's my character. If you choose Penumbra, only abilities related to the moon and darkness can be used. If you choose Lumino, only abilities related to the sun and light can be used. Don't get mad if I ignore or reject yours because you've went against the rules.
You may not have any OP, Almighty, Absolute, Meta, Omni, or Transcendent abilities in the RP. Your limit is Supernatural.
Here's a template:
Extra Info:
Where it takes place:
Think of a place like London and this is where most of the action will take place.