168 Votes in Poll
Why do I think Rogue(Besides Quake and X-23) has the lowest chance of winning
Between x 23 and rouge
I personally disagree
The others are very strong fighters don’t get me wrong but I say Emma would be the first to go than maybe invisible than medusa if she goes against rouge or x 23 than quake if she goes against rouge than it would come down to x 23 and rouge
I think fighting wise them two are some of the strongest but power wise you got it the opposite way, plus invisible woman has trained with iron frost and is a semi-good fighter
Plus I think rogue, X-23, Emma and Invisible woman would be the top
Emma isn’t gonna survive that long bc rouge would go for her and don’t quote me on this but rouge has some level of psychic shield I would think it would be due to her power but not sure now invisible women is underrated bc not only can she turn invisible and make forcefields she can use those forcefields to make other stuff and well it’s kinda invisible but x 23 would be able to sense her while she’s invisible bc she still makes noise and I think has a scent
Yes that is true but Emma is an omega level telepath who constantly is shown breaking down the shields placed by Charles Xavier, she was capable of resisting Charles Xavier and broke down all of Wolverines 9 psychic shields. Plus Emma in her diamond form took hits from WW hulk , and she had to be pushed into the ground by him because he couldn’t knock her down. She also is a word-class telepath and she defeated Rachel grey whose psi powers are immense on the astral plane, but Emma had/has more skill.
May I add that invisible woman does not simply turn invisible she uses some sort of cosmic energy, and even if so she can be sensed that is not her most potent/powerful ability she relies on. She was able to one shot Titania with a forcefield construct, Titania is class 100 and She was once punched to Virginia from New York and ran back unprovoked. So Titania is very durable, and Sue one shoted her.
Adding on she shielded and used a forcefield to block Lightning from ragnorok. She is seen ripping up a giant robot easily, and even damaged a celestial with her forcefields. She is amazingly powerful.
Also I think the mutants would go after the inhumans(Quake and Medusa) because of inhumans vs mutants, I don’t think that rogue and Emma would go after eachother off the bat
What do you think?