In addition to them bringing out your talent to the fullest, you'll also gain a trait associated with that species.
Choose up to three...
The R'dega - Spiritual Technology, Science Intuition, Technological Teleportation & Portals, Enhanced Inventing, Interstellar Travel, Vacuum Adaptation, Tractor Beam Emission, DNA Manipulation.
The S'otii - Psionics, Archetype:Seer, Esper Physiology, Abjuration, Illusions, Selective Invisibility, Two of the four Fundamental Forces, Energy Manipulation.
The Xxkhk - Regeneration, Assimilative Evolution, Metamorphosis, Combat Empowerment, Fighting Instinct, Weapon Proficiency, Juggernaut Momentum, Vacuum Adaptation.
Vir Fortis - The vir fortis are formless and can only be felt as a presence. They have no traits to share, but every ability from the true hero archetype will be yours. You start with Heroic Luck.