What 7 non-physiology powers, that are not too flashy, would be great right now in your opinion?And what purpose they serve?
What 7 non-physiology powers, that are not too flashy, would be great right now in your opinion?And what purpose they serve?
Omni Energy Manipulation
Omni Magic Manipulation
Absolute Psionic Power
Absolute Soul Manipulation
Meta Space Manipulation
Meta Time Manipulation
Reality Warping
Together, these powers enable me to rule over all of existence
Animal soul + Animal morphing
@AegonAzami107 I guess you can’t read huh?
Powers... that are not too flashy.
I know that these powers are Op and seem flashy, but it is how you use the powers and I could just use my first power to make it so that my powers were not flashy, so a win for me.
Aint gonna be flashy cause I wished for it and also could wish for people to be ignorant to my powers in essence cancelling out my flashiness.
With this I wouldn’t have to worry about lifting heavy objects nor would I have to worry about forgetting important things.
With this I would be able to teleport myself to wherever I need to be plus if I make a mistake or if someone else does I can simply reverse time right before the mistake is made
With this I would be able to make any amount of money, and any currency, anytime I please anyway please and however much I please digital or non-digital
With this I would be as unbeatable as I would want to be in any video games.
Infinite_Experience(Limited things the normal humans go through, live through, do, etc.)
With this the probability of me making mistakes on anything is close to zero if not zero.
With this I would be able to make my dream house very fast and make it as perfect as I dream it would be.
With this I won’t have to worry about taking showers or cleaning anything at all.
Honestly, for me, just Creation & Supernatural Cells.
What do you think?