Deity of duality gateways,
doorways transitions and recarnation
I help the in-between souls who unfinished business reincarnate to have other chances.
Since iam the gates of the universe after one of my kids gets the souls to me.
I help them pass through the right part of me to get a realm weather be hell heaven or my realm the in-between.
I protect the ones who are in-between two world. Mediums, psychics, babies, people close to death etc.
My name is invoked when people have big transitions in live.
Trans people are considered to my adventurers and scholars of through the life lessons I have taught them.
my holidays are on the days the seasons change and birthdays are big in my cult for it a transition into the new year for you.
Season manipulation
Transition Manipulation
doorway & gateway manipulation
Death sense and meduimship
Soul reading
Afterlife transporter
my children blood can open portals to different parts the universe(hell,heaven, the in-between, different dimensions etc).
The demi gods of my line are reapers of souls and protectors of the new and old. Weather be people or artifacts
arch ways
Red and brown
fey circle or mushrooms circles are a sign of a creatures/ subjects from the in-between and my descendants have opened a portal. If there is a fox near by then it means I have been there for foxs are my messagers and gaurds of the in-between for the duality of there nature always seen as etheir tricksters or warriors