Some days ago I posted a poll about some original species from my work, and I saw that some people really liked my Pleiadians. And since in that post was just an overview over the species, here it is complete informations about them (or almost complete XD).
Feel free to say anything about it, your opinion, if I had to change something, etc.
The Romvesener, called by some humans as Nordicians, and mostly known Pleiadians and/or Nordic Aliens, are extraterrestrial beings with a physical appearance extremely similar to humans, being similar to Nordic and African humans. They are natives of the planet Nördlands and colonizers of the ice planet Jotünheim, a race that it is naturally born with superhuman physical abilities and vast psychic powers.
Characteristic Traits:
Pleiadians and Humans look the same, but the physiology in general is not the same. Due to the gravity of Nördlands being slightly stronger than that of Earth, Pleiadian ancestors initially had a strength and durability slightly superior to that of humans. But, over the years, perfecting technology and also due to evolution, the Pleiadian people began to generate abilities at superhuman levels, such as regeneration and even flight and psychic powers. They also have an average height slightly higher than that of humans, with an average height between 1m80cm and 2m10cm.
Homeland: Nördlands (called by them as Ekstrajörd).
Colonized Worlds: Jotünheim (called by them as Kaldtland).
Habitat: Similar to Earth in general (Nördlands); Similar to Earth's taigas and tundras (Jotünheim).
Gravity: 1.3x stronger than Earth (Nördlands); same as that of Earth (Jotünheim).
Atmosphere: Same as Earth (both planets).
Population: 14 billion.
Powers and Abilities:
Pleiadian Physiology: Due to the advancement of technology in general (including genetic engineering) and also evolution, the species as a whole began to show supernatural abilities. In the beginning, it was only a few individuals that possessed these powers, but recently, these abilities are now in everyone's genetics, so the entire species has the following abilities.
Superhuman Strength: All Pleiadians are extremely strong compared to humans, being able to lift up to 50,000 tons with one hand.
Superhuman Speed: Able to run at a very high speed, being able to be faster than airplanes on Earth. Generally, Pleiadians can far exceed the speed of sound (12,234.8 km / h).
Superhuman Stamina: Pleiadians have the ability to endure some struggle or anything else for much longer without getting tired.
Invulnerability: With the evolution, the skin of the Pleiadians has been strengthened, making them invulnerable to almost anything and withstanding any temperature. The only way to hurt them is to have the same or superior strenght as them.
• Gravitational Adaptation: When they go to other planets, the Pleiadians are able to adapt to the planet's gravity, leaving them at the ideal weight for the body to withstand gravity.
• Spatial Adaptation: When they are in space, Pleiadians automatically adapt to be able to survive without worry.
Longevity: Pleiadians are known to be a species that takes a long time to grow. One example is that a 1000 year old Pleiadian has the physical appearance of a 25 year old human.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Although they are highly resistant to various types of physical damage, it is still possible to hurt them. So, when they are damaged, they can heal very quickly.
Flight: They are able to telekinetically manipulate the moviment of their own bodies, thus being able to fly, surpassing gravity. They can fly freely anywhere. Depending on the individual, they can reach almost the speed of light, flying in space.
Psionics: After a great mental development of the species, they were able to access the power of the brain and are able to manifest psychic powers, such as telekinesis, telepathy, etc.
• Telekinesis: All Pleiadians are able, with a mental focus, to lift and manipulate matter. The level of the telekinesis depend on the individual, but generally, all of them are initially at an advanced-level.
• Telekinetic Blasts: They can emit blasts of concussive telekinetic force, and as well generate telekinetic energy.
• Molecular Manipulation: They are able to telekinetically manipulate matter and energy around them. But, in general, the molecular powers are limited, because initially they can only manipulate little inorganic objects and only electric energy, but can be enhanced by experience, achieving other types of matter and energy and even manipulate them into a even more lower level, such as Subatomic Manipulation.
• Telepathy: Pleiadians also have telepathic abilities, being able to communicate with other individuals through the mind, not only communicating, but also being able to affect the mind/thoughts of others, thus being able to manipulate the emotions and the mind other individuals.
• Mental Manipulation: Via telepathy, they can overwhelm others' minds and be able to control them.
• Astral Projection: They are able to separate their spirits from the body by going into a trance, gaining access to travel on the Astral Plane. Experienced individuals can control astral and bodily presences.
• Extrasensory Perception: They can acquire information through means independent of any of their known senses or previous experience. This applies to any and all types of information, knowledge, wisdom, experience, etc. Information can be personal (memories, thoughts, etc.) or impersonal (academic knowledge, data, etc.). This ability can be used passively (as an instinctive reaction) or actively (wanting to know specific information).
• Mental/Psychic Resistance: They are highly resistant to others' psychic powers, so it's very hard to control their minds or try to lift telekinetically them.
Evolved/Superior Pleiadians:
The evolved Pleiadians are a group of individuals whose psychic and physical powers are far superior to those of a normal individual of the species. They are essentially just like the superhumans on Earth. The evolved ones may even have powers other than those already natural, and also train them to an even higher level.
They all have some same powers, such as:
Superior/Evolved Pleiadian Physiology: The evolved nature makes them the superior pleiadians.
Power Learning/Manifestation: The evolved Pleiadians can learn any other type of power (except magic), some of them are even born with different powers (while together with the natural ones), similar to the Superhumans on Earth.
- They can be overwhelmed by higher psionic forces, such as Espers/Psychic Humans (due to humans having the potential to be extremely powerful in psychic powers).
- Although they can withstand any temperature, gravity and spatial environment, depending on the location, they are not able to withstand things like atmospheric compositions.
- They are extremely vulnerable to magic, and also, evolved pleiadians CANNOT learn magic, because none of them has an affinity with magic.
- They are inspired by the mythology of the Pleaidians (or "nordic aliens") from the real life.
- In my verse, the pleiadian language is very similar to Norwegian (and is also its true origin, due to a history about Pleiadians in the ancient Norway).
- Pleiadians are the alien species most similar to Humans in terms of appearance, biology, origin, language, etc.