171 Votes in Poll
Part 2
As standard you receive ideal body and peak human condition
Also let me know if you have any other power preferences on the same level as these
String:User can release hyper-dense silk from anywhere on body roughly 1mm thick. User can control silk like a muscle and release it from anywhere on their body, once release from body the silk degrades in a few hours.
Friction Manipulation: User control friction within 10 metre of themselves, the closer the stronger. This allows them to move on impossible surfaces such as walls, ceilings, water etc... User can also decrease air resistance increasing their speed or increase it to slow themselves or increase their strength. This also can be used to impede an enemies movements decreasing the friction to the point where they can’t balance or increase to where they can’t move.
Signal Manipulation: A user can detect/sense electrical signals, such as electronic devices and even brain waves. User overload strong signals such as most electronic devices and induce vertigo. User can also generate electricity that they can fire as bolts.
Mark Generation:User can place marks on anything by touching it, these marks have different effects such as:
Teleport: User can teleport to any of the marks as long as there is space within 2 metres of the mark
Sense: User can feel vibrations through the marks allowing them to hear
Blast: The mark releases a propulsion of air user can stop and start at any time.
Marks only last 12 hours. With experience user can tell when a mark is about to expire.
Kinetic Manipulation:User can either take away an object's kinetic energy completely, freeze it in place, or add more kinetic energy to a previously frozen object, making it move once more. Frozen objects can freeze other things they come in contact to and can have a delay before freezing. However the frozen object can still be moved with outside kinetic energy. When freezing an object user absorbs the kinetic energy which they can put into another object of their choice while touching it.
Adaptability:User can gain intuition to suit high stress situations. The intuition is based on the users previous knowledge and their surroundings to find the best possible outcome for themselves. This amplifies their physical and mental attributes by putting the body in overdrive which can result in serious strain and fatigue after. With practice user will be able to turn on and off at will.
What do you think?