I cant promise that, sorry, if people mess with it, ill have to fix it.
You Took away the magic from Aether and Nether, and it kind of hurt my feelings so please don’t alter this one!
Excuse me, this wiki is for everyone and anyone to interact and change as they like (Only if the change makes sense and is necessary) you dont own the wiki nor the page to determine that.
If you want people to never change the page, become an admin and lock the page.
How does one even become an admin?
I have no idea, i just know admins are capable of doing it.
You know what, first off @Yagworm
I’m sorry for how I phrased that, I am really on the defensive right now.
Second, I think I may talk to people about these recent changes and see what they think!
Yeah sure, im okay
I made the post, The discussion will begin...now!
(Also @Yagworm, there is nothing wrong with Ethereal Manipulation.)
@Queen Cruella
What do you think?