Would they gain super speed? And any type of energy manipulation like plasma? ( so will I gain abilities like Quicksilver and Havok? ( Let me know your opinions or Theories
Would they gain super speed? And any type of energy manipulation like plasma? ( so will I gain abilities like Quicksilver and Havok? ( Let me know your opinions or Theories
Yup @Jerbaybay11 We dont know if Quicksilver had latent abilities like his sister or just got his DNA altered but you can get super speed with almost any stone.
Space Stone- manipulating space around you to move very fast
Time Stone- slowing down time around you so you can appear supernaturally fast but actually running regularly
Reality Stone- get your existence warped to gain superspeed
Power Stone- enhance your physical capability to run up to supernatural levels
Mind- alter your DNA or brain to gain genetic superspeed
Well Carol Danvers got her powers from the Space stone right? So it’s possible you could get some seriously cool powers, but you’d likely die
@Cresxatr thank you I really appreciate!!!! Also the reason I asked about the plasma thing because I’m making a character that has the abilities of Quicksilver and Havok from the x men movies, could you help me figure how I can make my character have those abilities?
@Jerbaybay11 Yeah its cool, and for your OC you can say they can get it from the Space Stone from a cosmic explosion where instead of the cosmic energy incinerating them, they absorbed it
@Cresxatr Thanks!!!’ By the way based on their abilities what would be their feats and limits in your opinion?
Carol didn't get her powers from the space stone, she got them from a lightspeed engine.
@TheNerdEternal1 That's the comics dumbo
Anyway, @Jerbaybay11 I think since they got their powers from an infinity stone and the fact it stems from the power of space, their limit is nigh-infinite being able to run faster than the speed of light and run so fast they distort time itself and gain several limit temporal capabilities.
@Cresxatr thanks how about for the plasma manipulation
That would make sense cuz some speedsters generate electricity which is plasma in a specific form.
@Cresxatr Aright cool so my oc would have super speed which gives him a superhuman body and Plasma manipulation and Electric manipulation
What do you think?