79 Votes in Poll
Name: Gabrielle Arcilla
Alias: Keana
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Highly Intellect, Compassionate, Helpful, Stubborn and Caring
Species: Demigoddess
Age: 21
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Medical Student (Advance Placement) and Internship at The Cassiopeia Institute
Powers: Demigoddess Physiology: Keana is a mortal-goddess hybrid born from the union of her divine mother and mortal father. She inherited her powers from her maternal family of gods:
Keana's abilities grant protection of various kinds, healing, prevent other beings from entering an area, purification and force fields:
Purification: Keana can remove the darkness or evil from a person or objects, often including demons possessing it or mind control affecting it.
Flawless Restoration: Keana's healing ability can mend all kinds of damage, including mental, conceptual, emotional, spiritual, mystical, and physical. And if mastered, she can even restore and repair abilities, as well as resurrecting the recently deceased.
Barrier Control: Keana can create, shape, and manipulate force-fields.
Barrier Combat: Keana is able to generate and shape force fields in a way that aids in physical combat. She often employs defensive tactics to wear down the opponent's strength and then crush them with battering force or trapping them inside a dome of force.
Reflection: Keana is capable of deflecting attacks, normally projectiles or blunt force, away from themselves. While usually a defensive method, it can be utilized as an offensive technique by redirecting the deflected attacks against others, or even against the original attacker.
Platform Creation: Keana can also use her force field as platforms, which she can use as stairs as a form of transportation
Medical Training: Keana has great medical knowledge, enabling her to easily treat others' injuries and create medicines.
Weakness: As long as the individuals are within her healing range( which is about a mile) she can help. If they are not within range then her ability won't work on them.
Name: Isaac Arcilla
Alias: Kira
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Fearless, Selfless, Progressive, Protective and Kind-hearted
Occupation: Independent Business Owner
Species: Demigod
Age: 23
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Powers: Demigod Physiology: Kira is a mortal-god hybrid born from the union of his divine mother and mortal father. He inherited his powers from his maternal family of gods:
Infinite Resurrection: Kira can resurrect himself endlessly every time he dies, returning inevitably to life in perfect condition:
Resurrection Roulette: Along with his resurrection, Kira can resurrect after death and come back with a random power. The powers gained may be associated in some way to his death( For example, if he was burned alive, he would come back with Fire Manipulation or Energy Conversion)
Weaknesses: Kira can't choose what power he comes back to life with.
Name: Noah Arcilla
Alias: The Final Unknown
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Careless, Loner, Merciless, Sarcastic and Brave
Occupation: Adventurer and Merc-for-hire
Species: Demigod
Age: 26
Sexuality: Bisexual
Power: Demigod Physiology: The Final Unknown is a mortal-god hybrid born from the union of his divine mother and mortal father. He inherited his powers from his maternal family of gods:
Class System:
The Final has the unique ability to alternate between "classes". Each class has their own abilities, clothing and weapons. If he stays in a class for more than one hour, it will upgrade into a more powerful version of itself.The classes have two different base disciplines: War and Magic:
Discipline of War:
Archer – uses a bow to assail his foes with deadly precision, even from great distances.
Gladiator – defends companions with his shield, and one-handed swords and daggers.
Lancer – delivers a barrage of devastating thrusts and slashes with lances and spears.
Marauder – overwhelms adversaries with axes and heavy armor.
Pugilist – pummels foes with lightning-fast combinations using hora and knuckle-dusters.
Rogue – makes quick work of foes using daggers and pilfers his ill-gotten gains.
Bard – inspires his comrades with songs, and showers damage-over-time actions to enemies. Upgraded from Archer
Paladin – charges fearlessly into battle, while defending allies with his holy shield and sacred oaths. Upgraded from Gladiator
Dragoon – strikes foes from above using the power of the dragons. Upgraded from Lancer
Warrior – channels his inner-beasts to bring unbridled savagery on the battlefield. Upgraded from Marauder
Monk – utilizes meditation and forbidden chakra to improve mobility and damaging capability. Upgraded from Pugilist
Ninja - incorporates Far Eastern skills through the weaving of signs, unleashing a wide array of attacks against his foes. Upgraded from Rogue
Dark Knight– defends the downtrodden with greatswords and dark magic.
Machinist– devastates foes with firearms and a wide array of devices.
Samurai– throws quick slashes and precise strikes with the katana.
Gunbreaker– uses well-timed attacks with a gunblade.
Discipline of Magic:
Conjurer – harnesses the power of earth, wind and water elements to restore and strengthen, with wands and canes as medium.
Thaumaturge – uses scepters and staves as a medium to cast offensive fire, ice and lightning magic.
Arcanist – manipulates aether using arcane geometries held within grimoires to summon familiars and inflict damage-over-time.
White Mage - delivers comrades from the direst of afflictions by using healing magic and magical barriers. Upgraded from Conjurer
Black Mage – annihilates those who oppose him through the occult and arcane art known as black magic. Upgraded from Thaumaturge
Summoner – transmutes the primals' essences into Egis, thus binding them to his will. Upgraded from Arcanist
Scholar – utilizes the faeries' magicks to heal the wounded and bolster the strength of his allies. Upgraded from Arcanist
Astrologian– employs a star globe and divining deck that grants power over both allies' and enemies' fate.
Red Mage– combines black and white magic with high-speed melee combos with rapiers in hand.
Gun Mage– learns actions or abilities from enemies with a gun in hand.
Weaknesses: When the Final Unknown picks a class, he can't alternate into another class for an hour. There are some classes that don't have upgraded versions. If he tries to use two classes at the same time, he will be overwhelmed and can't access any of his other classes for 30 minutes.
Name: Heather Gabbert
Alias: The Niflheim Warrior
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
Personality: Bravery, Competitive, Graceful, Alpha and Wise
Occupation: Freelancer and Tyrant Slayer
Species: Reincarnated Primordial Human
Age: 26
Sexuality: Homosexual
Powers: Reincarnated Primordial Entity Physiology: The Niflheim Warrior is a primordial entity reincarnated, an entity that has existed since or even prior to the beginning of time itself as a mortal being.
Primordial Cold Manipulation: Heather is the living embodiment of Niflheim. Famously known as "The Realm of Fog", originally being a realm of endless snow, wind, ice and mist. Heather can tap into the realm itself to create, shape and manipulate Ice of an ancient primordial nature:
Arctic Lordship: Heather has total domain and control over arctic around the world. She is able to have unlimited control and power over the arctic and their surroundings, if mastered,she can create arctic areas out of nothing.
Fimbulwinter: Heather is able to prevent spring from coming, trapping a land - perhaps even an entire realm - into an eternal winter.
Abstract Ice Manipulation: The Niflheim Warrior can manipulate the abstracts (or concept) of cold and ice. This can have many feats, including absolute freezing on anything/everything, prevent ice from being melted, and even freeze things below the point of absolute zero.
Cold Weather Control: She can sense, generate and manipulate all cold aspects of the weather such as snow, hail, blizzards, cold air, freezing rain etc. She can concentrate the effects so greatly that she can make a snow storm indoors or stretch them out so far they cover continental, possibly even global distances.
Coldproof: The Niflheim Warrior is immune to cold, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.
Eternal Ice: Heather can generate and project snow/ice that is extremely difficult to and cannot be melted by normal means, such as extreme heat or fire.
Ice of Creation: She can create, shape and manipulate creative/life ice; frozen water/ice/icicles capable of creating/giving/granting life. This allows her to not only create and give life with her ice, but even grant it sapience/sentience and even free will/soul of its own. She even has enough skill to heal/restore others with her ice.
Arctic Combat: The Niflheim Warrior is able to utilize ice and snow with her physical combat, allowing her to both create tools and weapons for attack and manipulate the environment for her advantage.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable against primordial fire of creation. If she loses her connection to the realm Niflheim, her powers won't work.
Name: Jay Vanderjagt
Alias: King
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Happiness, Highly Intelligent, Sarcastic, Adventurous and Courageous
Occupation: Professional Fishermen
Species: Homo Superior(Metahuman)
Age: 21
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Powers: Homo Superior Physiology: King is a Metahuman. Normally the Meta Gene manifests themselves during puberty, often as a result of a traumatic event. But King exhibits his powers at birth like the rest of his family.
Teleportation Force Manipulation:
King can use a strong form of teleportation. He can manipulate teleportation force, the strength and generation behind Teleportation. When King taps into teleportation force, he can perform powerful feats with ease and flexibility, when he uses it, King can warp large amounts of mass to another location instantly:
Apportation: King can teleport matter/energy from one location to another without transporting himself along or requiring physical contact.
Warp Control: King can manipulate warps in the space-time continuum, including portals, rifts, distortions, wormholes and others of warps that affect space and time. He can determine where the warps may lead, including another point in time or space or to another dimension.
Tactile Teleportation: He can also teleport objects and/or beings through physical contact, King can transfer them to any location he desires.
He can change teleporting energies into tools, objects, weapons and other items.
Teleblock: King can prevent himself or others from being teleported and teleporting. He can also negate any form of teleportation from Elemental to Spatial teleportations.
Weaknesses: King has to focus on what,when,who and where he teleports. He also needs to be careful with small objects or he'll destroy it from the intense force.
Name: Liz Roman
Alias: Duela
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral
Personality(s): Joyful, Stubborn, Meticulous, Happiness and Secretly Ruthless
Occupation: Fashion Model
Species: Homo Superior(Metahuman)
Age: 25
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Powers: Homo Superior Physiology:
Liz is a Metahuman. Normally the Meta Gene manifests themselves during puberty, often as a result of a traumatic event. But Liz exhibits her powers at birth like the rest of her family.
Division: Liz has the ability to divide herself into two separate beings.They both have the same DNA, fingerprints and memories up until the point of the split but with very distinct personalities and powers:
Opposites Personification: When Duela is divided, she is the personification of all opposites (such as life and death, creation and destruction, light and darkness, time and space, etc), granting her limitless control over all opposite forces. They can manifest abilities that are related to the aspect they currently embody. For example, if they end up with time and space, one would have abilities to manipulate time(stopping time or seeing the future) and the other space(teleportation or matter substitution).
Weaknesses: Because they are the same person, both also share each emotion and pain as well. If one gets hurt or dies, the other one will as well.
Where is duala what theyre deal? Anyway out the ones you showed Heather my favorite
What do you think?