Science is "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." Magicians are capable of doing research, observations, and experiments with magic thus making them scientists. Science is literally the systematic observation and collection of knowledge. Science means knowledge after all. Everything is or can be a science. DC and Marvel explained it as: sorcerers are the scientists of the magical.
Dr. Strange explains it best. Magic is metaphysics; supernatural physics, but still physics that can be studied and harnessed. Magic is the use of spiritual, supernatural, or otherworldly forces to cause effects. Science is just the detailed and systematic study of things in pursuit of knowledge. There is really no reason these things should be considered opposites.
And if you did some research about it it becomes clear that Magic and Science are not opposites. Therefore, Magic and Science pages shouldn't be considered opposites.
I'd like to know your opinions.