Name: Sexians
Appearance: Brown-Orange skinned humanoid beings, reddish-brown eyes, very tall most males have an average height of 6'6 to 7'5 and female's have an average height of 6'4 to 7'1 with them having slightly pointed ears.
Planet: Navo
The Planet Navo is a Super planet that's makes Jupiter look like Pluto next to it.
The planet orbits Four sun's and 10 moon's.
Navo has dark red soil which is extremely nutrient rich soil that if you took a baobab seed from earth and planted it there it would take only a week to grow to full size.
The planet from the outside is very beautiful having a wonderful blend of red, blue, green and orange.
The planet's gravity is very weird so much so that they had to develop artificial gravity technology.
The water despite looking like water on earth it's very corrosive but the Sexians can drink it without problems.
The plants produce highly nutrient fruits due to the nutrient rich soil
Population:980 Nonillion
Government: Monarchy
More Info:
The Sexians are an extremely sex positive species, to them sex is the number one thing in life so much so that they use sex to solve minor to major problems amongst themselves.
All Sexians are bisexual with both male and female's capable of reproduction.
The Sexians don't conform to terms like gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual etc.
Cause of how much they use sex to solve problems they usually forget that other species in the universe don't do what they do.
Despite not liking battle they are more than capable of handling themselves.
The Sexians only reproduce offspring with partners who have high compatibility with each other as to produce more powerful offspring.
Abilites And Powers
Supernatural Condition Type III
Shape-shifting Near Omnifarious
Meta Matter Manipulation
Many if not All Sex Based powers
Energy Manipulation
Nigh Invulnerability
Sorry if my Grammar is Bad but just wanted to give brief info about my OC Species