124 Votes in Poll
@Asia2105 @JokuSSJ @Mysterylobo @DOPOP
@Cameron Washington @Heartless Frost @Rkv0 @Altair Alexios
What do you think about all this, Do you think that the Primordial Chaos is a Combination of Primordial and Apocalyptic Forces?
I just put in a “maybe”
I'd say yes, Primordial Chaos exists in almost all myths as the things that brought all things into existence
I would say it is closer to Primordial manipulation or at least a form of it.
Primordial Chaos Manipulation is “The power to manipulate primal chaotic forces of existence. Advanced version of Chaos Manipulation. Opposite to Primordial Order Manipulation.”
I think it’s closer to chaos than apocalyptic, however Primordial Apocalyptic Manipulation is an application of Primordial Chaos Manipulation
I think it’s kind of a combined force
It really is. It’s its own Primordial variation while being combined with other Primordials
Primordial Chaos is different than normal Chaos. In many myths and fictions, the primal chaos gave way to absolute creation and inevitable destruction, including the void and nonexistence.
@Yagworm so is that a yes for being a combo of The primordial and apocalyptic Forces
Yes, i said yes
Yeah, Primordial Force Manipulation and Apocalyptic Force Manipulation are Creation and Destruction; and Primordial Chaos Manipulation is a source of Absolute Change. I don’t see a problem here. Probably should have Primordial Order Manipulation be a combination of the two, aswell, though: and give it Absolute Change, if they’re going to remain opposites.
Really twisted me up for a second there, though— thinking about it.
What do you think?