71 Votes in Poll
@Cameron Washington @Heartless Frost @Rkv0 @Altair Alexios
Do You think A big bang can be created from Absolute Life-Force?
It would have to depend on the users ability. Even if they had the Absolute levelness, they are more likely not limited to their knowledge of manipulating something. From what I’m reading about life-force, the user would need to know everything they are creating.
May require a genetic connector to the source.
Distance, amount, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
Using too much life force may cause one to become exhausted, shorten one's lifespan, or die.
User may be required to absorb life energy from others in order to sustain life after natural death.
Cannot affect users of Absolute Immortality, Flawless Indestructibilityand Life-Force Immunity.
But let’s say for experiment sake that they know what they are making and how they are manipulating that energy. I don’t think that they can create a Big Bang because they can only manipulate already existing life. Life-force does not have creation in its applications. To even manipulate something of that size and mass will more than likely kill the user
I Don’t think you get it.
Absolute Life-Force = Infinite Energy + Life-Force Constructs (Created from Life Energy channeled from an individual who has An Absolute Supply of it!) + Cosmic Intuition (on how Gravitational Singularities work and how they form) = Singularity Creation
If a Singularity (Made of Absolute Life Force) has Infinite Mass and Density, would it Big Bang?
I think so because if the Big Bang is endlessly increasing and production matter to create an ever expanding simulator you would need the infnite supply
Users of Absolute Life-Force do not have Cosmic Intuition.
If they did, then yes I say they could do this. But they don’t have this power
@Altair Alexios This particular individual doesn't just have Absolute Life-Force and the ability to create Constructs Of Pure Life-Force, but also has the ability to know Everything about the Universe’s Astronomy; Including singularities and also Logic Manipulation; to bend any other Flaws in his/her/there plan, I’m sure they would figure something out!
That’s what I’m saying, if you add all of these other factors, you can achieve this. Alone, Life-force cannot do this. Originally you’re saying can Life-force Constructs achieve a Big Bang but it can’t. Not without all of these other factors
What do you think?