Basic Story: 10 years ago, Kaiju started showing up in and around Japan. As the military dealt with them, things rapidly escalated, and two major things happened. First, a giant wall was built around the coast to either stop or slow kaiju that came in from the sea. The second, is that a branch of the JSDF (Japan's military for those who don't know) was created and quickly gained enough funding from around the world to become its own organization that allies with the military. That organization is called the AMDF, short for the Anti Megafauna Defense Force. 3 years ago, a former Admiral that became a Human-Kaiju Hybrid (HKH or Kaiju Hybrid for short) initiated a plot that destroyed the AMDF based in Tokyo, as well as creating many more Kaiju Hybrids. After this Admiral was killed by one of her strongest and most favored Hybrids (that also happened to be working for the AMDF), reparations and advancements were made. After the AMDF’s recent controversy involving the existence and operations of its Midnight Division, people all over the world have been much more cautious of groups like them. Thanks to a signal sent out by the Midnight Division’s Leader, a new potential threat has arrived, with unknown intentions.
The AMDF has different ideas to deal with kaiju, with their most notable being the enhancement of individual soldiers in one of 3 ways: Genetics (Super-Enhancement with possible animal-like abilities), Psionics (Psychic powers either forcefully given or artificially tapped into), and Tech (Power armor, sci-fi weapons, mecha.)
Those 3 are split into divisions, with Genetics being the Frontline Division, Psionics being the Esper Division, and Tech being the Armored Division.
Members of the divisions are ranked in power and skill from C (Lowest rank) to S (Highest rank). There is a higher rank (X Rank), and up to three people can occupy that rank, becoming known not only as an X Rank, but gaining the title of Admiral.
It’s possible to simply be born with powers too, and any power (or powerset) that doesn’t quite fit into one of the 3 divisions is simply classified as Miscellaneous, and can be assigned to any division for a specific mission.
Human-Kaiju Hybrids that join the AMDF are almost always put into the Frontline Division, due to the nature of their powers.
The kaiju vary in size from slightly larger than the average person to skyscraper sized. Anything larger is forced to stay underwater, and is dealt with in other ways.
The kaiju vary in intelligence and appearance too, from simply being larger, more monstrous animals to being gigantic threats with human-level intelligence. Because of this, kaiju are given their own rankings, simply titled Low, Mid, and High.
No kaiju can look completely human, although they can be humanoid, and can (obviously) have varying abilities.
Thanks to years being spent researching and fighting kaiju, new methods of detecting when and where they’ll show up are constantly active, such as large scale motion detectors, electromagnetic scanners, infrared cameras, etc.
The J.S.D.F assists by evacuating civilians, assisting in the fight against kaiju, and helping the damage control process when everything’s over.
Thanks to the events that took place 3 years ago, the A.M.D.F has created progressively more advanced modifications, weapons, and countermeasures for dealing with Kaiju, leading to enhanced potential among its members, more powerful and effective equipment/weaponry, and measures to more efficiently prevent the loss of life, as well as several tactics to avoid collateral damage.
Due to Tokyo being the area where the most kaiju attacks happen, the A.M.D.F has their main base there, along with being most active in and around Tokyo.
No powers that are too OP, or are Omni, Meta, Ultimate, Absolute, Transcendent, Ascendent, Etc. are allowed.
Weaknesses are required, and must be more than one, regardless of their nature.
No troll or meme OCs.
If you create a Kaiju, then remember that the likelihood of death is higher.
While Human-Kaiju Hybrids are becoming more widespread, not everyone is accepting of them.
Extraterrestrial OCs are now allowed, but they must have either a human form they can switch to via some method, or have a naturally humanoid appearance.
(The Character Sheet below is heavily inspired by K5S142.)
Age (Not required for Kaiju):
Sexuality (Not required for Kaiju):
Rank (Or threat level for Kaiju/Optional for any non AMDF or Kaiju):
Backstory (Optional):
Extra Info: