one day you and other people across the world suddenly out nowhere just gain superpowers. the powers you and the others own have been put into 14 classifications with their own strengths and weaknesses
Elemental: elemental powers including but limited to as fire lightning water earth and air: more powerful than other powers but less controlled and more destructive
Enhanced skills: supernatural strength speed durability and others: weaker than others but more controlled
Psychic: psionics and telekinetic powers: is versatile but can cause headaches after extended use
Prehensility: prehensile stinger tail teeth blood torso and other prehensile abilities: is versatile but can be difficult to learn how to use
Animal: claws enhanced senses and venom based abilities: is quite useful but causes you to act like an animal
Tech-organic: technopathy and bionic abilities: is very useful but needs a lot of intelligence to use effectively
Repair= healing restoration and support based abilities=high support ability low combat ability
Food= manipulation of different foods and being able to cook really good dish and even magic ones= Can’t go hungry but takes culinary skill to properly wield
Nuclear: nuclear and radiation based abilities= more powerful than elemental and other abilities but way less controlled and more destructive
Nightmare:summoning nightmarish monster and fear based powers: is power full but can cause temporary insanity
Spiritual= Reanimation and ghost based abilities: takes a lot of the users focus to use properly
Weapon summoning: summoning or manifesting weapons like swords and firearms and even mystical weapons if skilled enough: weaker than enhanced skill and other powers but a bit more controlled
Mystic: chi manipulation and mystical abilities: versatile but can cause temporary insanity
Goofball: comedic powers like laughter inducement and cartoon physics: useful but can cause temporary stupidity
Transit: travel based powers like teleportation and velocity manipulation: quick but requires a very quick thinking and takes a lot of processing power
Which classification is your power in and what power is it what Do you do with it how do you verbally react to it how do you react to the fact that super powered beings and magic exist how does this change the world and can you give a rating on classification