Basically you live in a world where people have superpowers that divided in different classifications the classifications are the following
Elemental: elemental powers including but limited to as fire lightning water earth and air: more powerful than other powers but less controlled and more destructive: category elemental powers
Enhanced skills: supernatural strength speed durability and others: weaker than others but more controlled: category enhancements: if you happen to get maximum peak human or enchanced then you can get the supernatural version instead
Psychic: psionics and telekinetic powers: is versatile but can cause headaches after extended use category: psychic powers
Animal: claws enhanced senses and venom based abilities: is quite useful but causes you to act like an animal category: animal based powers
Tech-organic: technopathy and bionic abilities: is very useful but needs a lot of intelligence to use effectively category: technology based powers
Repair= healing restoration and support based abilities=high support ability low combat ability category: support powers
After voting get a random ability from that classification here’s a link to Random page in category the category is put after the classification then tell how you would use this power