For 2 hours a you can reach Nigh-Absolute levels of power. You can use it in short bursts or the full two hours. Upon full usage, it takes at least 12 hours to fully recharge. Not using your power doesn't stack, it will be 2 hours every 12 hours regardless if you use it or not.
Strength & Durability: Your strength and durability skyrockets to immense levels. You can lift and throw well over 100 tons like buildings and you can tank an average nuke with no issues. But explosions like the Tsar bomb can cause you minimal harm. You don't need to worry about leverage or if you weigh less than what your lifting.
Speed & Reflexes: Your speed and reflexes increase to insane levels. You can move 90% the speed of light and can react to damn near anything. But anything moving at the speed of light or faster is too fast for you to react in time. Don't worry, your body can withstand moving at these speeds and you don't damage your surroundings (too much) while using your speed.
Regeneration & Stamina: Your regeneration and stamina reach levels that are near inexhaustible. You can heal from almost anything at a near instantaneous rate and you could function at peak capacity until your time runs out. But you can be killed by utter atomization of your whole body, leaving not even dust behind.
Intelligence & Senses: Your intelligence and senses rise to beyond anything any human can reach. You can think and understand concepts, equations, and such with relative ease. Your senses let you few almost anything from microscopic to the entire electromagnetic spectrum with the greatest of ease. But your intellect doesn't necessarily increase as well and your senses can be overloaded by too much stimuli too quickly.