139 Votes in Poll
I'm sorry, I'd rather have 🍕
Oh, your one of those people who Consider Plants to be Elements, I Like You.
If I had a nickel for every franchise that considered plants to be an element (Pokémon = Grass-Type & Skylanders = Life Element), I would have 10¢!
I never stated that grass in an element. I said choose one. As in choose between fire, water, and leaves (plants)
@ProMystic Same thing, especially in the context of Pokemon
Its obvious that Pro meant it as the physical thing. To me they are basically the same but as on a intrsitic level, leaves aren't grass
@Heartz13 You are correct. Here only water, and fire are elements: The four components that make up formations of the world. Grass would be comprised of earth and h20.
What do you think?