Bridgette Smith
Bridgette Smith is a 26 year old woman who used be descending into depression and anxiety due to her childhood past, because of this she went to therapy
She was awfully quiet but was a cunning genius behind her facade, she usually kept to herself thinking about life and how to turn it around for the best, if someone made fun of her she would often freeze up and have PTSD flashbacks to her childhood
It was one day for a unknown reason she had the ability to shape the emotions of those around her including herself, she was able to change the mood in a second and was even powerful enough to make people unable to feel a certain emotion, she woke up with this ability out of nowhere as if God heard her prays and answered them, she used the ability once on herself and is now unable to feel the emotions that hurt her such as her sadness, anxiety, fear, frustration and resentment
As to what she does now, she is now living life with a smile only using her abilities to make those who made fun of her to breakdown into tears in crowds unable to see through their tears and will carry on for hours at a time confusing her oppressors who had nothing to cry over