I will try and see how far my immortality goes such as, can I heal limbs? will I life until the end of the universe? etc, when I do find out you best believe I will be pulling off stupid stunts such as mutilating myself in a forest in front of a bunch of children to scare them, might go to the local mafia and let them unload into me, basically the dumb stuff like that, but as for how I will live with it, I will probably just live life on the edge
I would hesitantly see how fast i can heal, if i think it is a fairly fast rate then i would test the potency to see if i can still develop scars. Just because you heal fast doesn't mean you heal better.
Once i figure out how immortal i am, i will probably be excited until i realize I'll outlive everyone i ever cared about. Which would send me into a panic
If I found out I am immortal today which means I must have had my car go off a bridge and I died because some asshole trying to merge doesn't know how to use a signal. So I wake up in a morgue realize I'm alive I found out my family coming to see my dead body so I sneak out of the hospital stealing clothes and my belongings and end up at home at midnight and then explain to them there that I was kidnapped and my pusurers made it look like it was me and I escape with my life on the line and that the police are involved in it. I still don't know who my pusurers are but long story short they end up buying what I'm saying. So we don't go to the police and because my death isn't news worthy the whole city doesn't know. So I join martial arts and practice as if I have nothing but time in the morning Then I go join a fight club at night to earn money but at noon I'm home relaxing. Anyways I will start getting bored of my skills because I'm not making money fast enough so I join the army and then the government will end up paying me money because I always seem to survive the most dangerous mission ever. Then I train harder and harder making myself seem to be the toughest dude ever joining different branches and erasing my presence. Then I use the money I saved over time and start hiring cleaners and taking cleaning up the criminal underworld. With mobsters hiring me to take out the other and so if both sides pay me both die and the cleaners erase my existence throughout the years and these hits also include governments depending on the corruption level and of they are irredeemable. North Korea government gone, Russia government gone, America governed cleaned up, Mexican government cleaned up, Canada (research required) anyways I would make my immortality making life better. Now every now and then if take a break and do research to figure out how to earn more powers. It better then being a doctor forever I want to experience every occupation (the ones that are good.)
Can we sell our organs?
What if the organs you sell make other immortals?
I think bigger part of me keep being immortal when smaller one lose immortality properties via master molecular theory
Hmm thst intresting i guess it could go either way but what about blood? Outside of the body it becomes mortal but ínside it is immortal then the question becomes what is the power source for immortality if it not from the body? Is the person a conduit similar to how captian jack harkness functions I guess?
Let's say everyone have different vision for power immortality. I think immortality is attached to mind/soul and will regenerate body to optimal state.
Not by much. The only that would change would be me taking more risks involving Certain situations. After which I would see how my immortality works and whether or not there are limitations.
I'll test my immortality level. After gaining the result, lets just say the result is I have regeneration power that can keep me alive even after being thrown into the active volcano and stay in the there for a year or dive into the most deepest sea and stay in there for a year and still not dying, then i'll live my life in solitude while bringing my smartphone and laptop that has been loaded with lot of e-book. Of course i'll also bring some dynamo charger.
Learn everything in the e-book even if its taken a thousand years and research a method to enhance my brain. Then, if I successfully found the way and able to apply it, I move to body strengthening method and, lets just say, I success again after constant trial and error.
I'll spend my life to strengthen my body and training myself in martial arts, weapon handling, many things that can increasy my survivalibility and master them to perfection.
After that I start making a plan to explore the space. First things is creating spaceship and for that I need to expand my knowledge in technology and space related things. Maybe it will a hundred to thousand years, but since i'm an immortall I have all the time I need.
Why the space? Staying on earth will only give me trouble. What do you think would happen if people found out about me? I've seen enough fiction to know where is it going to end.
Basically, I just want to escape to the space. And if I ever successfull in escaping from earth, i'll never ever stop improving myself.
The End.
Well, that what i'll do if I ever get immortality.
What do you think?