Ok so we all know Omnipotence is a state of being n all right? Its also the pinnacle of everything but yet people say it cannot be achieved? Well I believe that to be false due to powers that grant (personal domains/realities/omniverse)…because think about it if you somehow ended up with a personal reality of your own that you have absolute control over, you become effectively omnipotent of your own reality that NO BEING can take control of because their can only be 1 omnipotent being per setting right? So in actuality if one omnipotent being tried taking over another they’d technically cancel eachother out due to both beings being Omnipotent right but if you were try and exist in the true omniverse that we reside in that power would be metapotence in actuality like phoenix force and the white hot room, you could be taken out technically by the true omnipotent being of actual reality but still come back due to being reborn in ur domain however u have ur power setup. So its achievable but at the same time not.