This is the first juncture of the specific [ Pathos ] that is dubbed The Pursuit of Logos. The actual state of reality at this time is essentially impossible to confirm due to Aether being the original state of reality. With no concepts nor metaphysical formations, determining what exactly happened here is no easy feat. At best, metaphysicians can come up with hypothesis after hypothesis.
It was dubbed Aether due to this being the blank slate of reality. Philosophers like Aristotle thought of Aether as being uniquely different from all the other elements -much like this juncture being different then all the other junctures. Aethereal beings tend to reside in a different space than humankind and it is often difficult for us to understand their purposes and motivations. This juncture matches it in the sheer confusion that surrounds its nature.
One of the most common hypotheses is that this juncture still exists. Imagine that you had a blank canvas ( Aether ) and you painted multiple varying images over the blank space. No matter how much you paint -under all of it, the canvas still exists. In fact, this is the basis of a way to reach Logos -if you can unwrap all of the layers of reality, you can see Aether.
Remnants of Aether can be seen as the world attempts to cover the white spots. An example of this is Mirages. They were originally the World’s attempt to fill up the missing blanks before Humans began attempting to rationalize the events -thus making those spots impossible to cover now.
Next Up: The Juncture of Chaos