I'd want to be half human and half Green Martian mainstream DC comics version. The way I'd see it is if I had to pick who's powers I'd get it would be J'onn J'onzz (Martin Manhunter). I'd also think that in my original human form (not including the clothes I can shapeshift into wearing) I can only use some of my powers like Danny Phantom as a type of mental block. So my body and mind would be at Peak human but I can still move and react at super speed and be immune to it's effects even when I carry something or someone but I can't fly, I can use all my vision powers, I can still read people's minds and talk to them but I can't do that and something telekinetically at the same time. I still have full range of my shape shifting though so that way when I change into my full Martian form or clothes/the way I perceive myself in my full Martian form I can Access my full powers, when I do that a red aura forms around me for a moment then I can do everything Martian Manhunter/A green martian can do. I still have the weakness to fire but I'd lose some power like I would in my human form but I can take a bullet but depending on the caliber I'd either bruise or bleed a little nothing that would be life threatening, my healing works the same in Martian and human form both age until I turn into my late 20's to early 30's. I can even give someone else my powers through a blood transfusion and they'd have all my power's and if I had children they'd have all my powers too.