As the title says you ask me to grant you a power but you must do something to get it. I will be the one putting down the conditions. The highest power you can get is nigh powers. So who is first?
As the title says you ask me to grant you a power but you must do something to get it. I will be the one putting down the conditions. The highest power you can get is nigh powers. So who is first?
@Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O done!
You must come up with a good theory about a certain film. @Learning2ROB
You must watch one episode of Dragon Maid. @Tdog0467
Spatial Slicing, with a scythe
You must let a yellow adult boa snake.
Climb on you for 20 minutes. Don't worry it will not choke you. It will not bite you either. You just have to stay still. @ZekkronShadowlord
I Told You (Spider-Man Trilogy Tobey Maguire)
Mary Jane Watson is actually 'Lady Web' in this verse, she was never really in danger.
1° Every action scene she's given to perceive a degree of stimulation, I can even say happiness in some points.
2°All drama is in whose hands?
3° Notice in the scene where the spider attacks Peter, MJ was a few steps away from him, by a 'coincidence' she is called by a colleague.
4° In the third film, to save Peter she shows how he is changing (in the bar scene) and soon after he manages to get rid of the symbiote.
This leads us to two possibilities:
1° She has shitty luck and it's contagious.
2°She is an entity that controls probability.
(translate you know)
@Ludwigkoopa7000 2.O Well that's not too hard to endure since I don't have many issues with snakes
Nigh immortality
What do you think?