In this challenge you must use the random power button to get two powers. Then you must combine them together to create a unique power that represents both. Are you up to the challenge?
In this challenge you must use the random power button to get two powers. Then you must combine them together to create a unique power that represents both. Are you up to the challenge?
Clicked on the link a third time to see what i would get, dang that took a big turn
Huh 5th try is possessive teleportation
I'd manipulate the food chain by making water droplets of high and lower ranks and depending on the one that hits you will determine your rank potentially making turtles stronger than lions if I so choose
I call it Principality Showers
Spoon mimicry and detection awareness
I would use my power to sneak into houses and when I'm detected ill turn into a spoon
Infinite Death Empowerment this power allows the user to gain infinite energy from what finite death that is occuring around them giving them absolute condition and what ever power is related to what affinity they have.
Kinetic energy transmutation/amplification
I can amply kinetic energy or transmute myself or other things/energy into something new or I can blow stuff up or destory them.
XD lol your basically able to use energy and enhance it ten fold
Chrono control and demonic blast hmmm
Time beam
A malevolent malstrome of energy that will either rewind you to nothing of age you to dust or break holes in time and hit someone earlier in time
What do you think?