Imagine that one day by some chance your granted with nigh-omnipotent power. (You get to pick your limit) Basically I am asking what your life will be like if you gain this kind of power.
So what will you do?
What are your limits?
Imagine that one day by some chance your granted with nigh-omnipotent power. (You get to pick your limit) Basically I am asking what your life will be like if you gain this kind of power.
So what will you do?
What are your limits?
We could roleplay this, if ya want, we could meet in this space beyond , well , space
@Jack0the0tricker This is a little much for an RP.
Got an idea, what if i made a rival for some of our characters, (ik im goin way into this, ) he chose his form to be a skeleton with steel armor, doesn`t have a jaw, black-red eyes, a red symbol on his forehead, a circle with 8 radius lines, i don`t know what his name should be tho,
Crap forgot to give my character a name, how about, David sheer?, his real name, but his new name for his new identity, would be... hm, gotta be related to him in some way, .... guess hes called david....
Ah okay
I would mostly mess around. I would have so much fun doing crazy stuff and messing with people.
My limits would be my imagination.
That limitation is a big deal, since humans can only comprehend so much
If it were up to me, I would use my powers to master myself, grant myself other abilities, and also master them and then use them to help my family and friends have a good life, giving them wealth, prosperity, and making sure they are humble. In addition, I plan on reducing human greed and getting rid of poverty and hunger. After that, it is just me traveling the Omniverse, before traveling fictional worlds and having fun.
My only limit is that the Supreme Being is the only one that can defeat me and I am above the rest. That is it.
My life as a nigh omnipotent being would be to create my ideal reality where my friends, family and lovers would live in peace, not afraid of death or suffering. I would just continue to create to other universes and multiverses until my Omniverse is complete and I rule over it as Supreme Deity. I would probably rest some of those days or create other beings that would assist me in creating like the celestials in Marvel.
My limit would be that the One True God can defeat me so a type 2 I believe.
I would wake up in my luxury suite in Vegas in The Vampire Diaries reality. I would have the memories of a researcher witch werewolf hybrid who had been raised by a local coven of dream/fate/memory specified witches, possibly precursor to the only one true seer that was killed off in the Originals. I will have inherited, the skills of an old guy with lots of witch cred that he had placed in a bauble and had me learn as his inheritor. I will be around 21 years old or so and look banging. Idealized self. It will be around the time of Legacies and I will have been among the first batch of graduates from the Salvatore School and thus kind of know Lizzie and Josie, Jed, and a few others.
A watch of my harem (just 4 ethnically diverse girls out of an entire bordello- possibly agents all around the world, secret society) will help me with my morning rituals. In public. I will be a musician, writer, programmer, executive that just happens to be spend these young years in Vegas sinfully, but legally. Then I will use some kind of portalling magic that hasn’t been seen before to go to Mystic Falls and teach a class or two. Maybe it will use bootleg Mirror Worlds. I will try to use magic of their world when I can but in a few days I will have access to other realities. This was just my first day. I have posted about a similar idea a few months ago. I will have control like a custom holodeck of this reality and a few others. The Computer (which may deserve a new name) will have access to the old reality (this world) and all the news and books and how tos etc. When I eventually go to sleep after my first day I will wake up at 3-4 years of age in this magic light world.
The world will have been altered around the 1970s onward and my parents will be more comfortable financially. I will be as smart as a person taking NZT and still have access to the Computer who will have some Ziggy probability/prediction capabilities. I will just be a genius with super muscle control until I find any kind of magic that the supposedly real world has. Then when I go to sleep again I will wake up in the Vampire Diaries world again but basically on the same day. The previous day will be overwritten with what I did yesterday. This could get confusing with holidays, but it will work out. All the days will work that way until I am no longer an adult. I will have the ability to over write any day in TVD world. I will manually overwrite our old world and can’t have access to a day I have not relived. (One of my limits like stylistically using TVD magic).
Eventually I will go to other worlds. I will first go when my harem senses tingle and let me know that I am now awesome enough to add someone from that world to a multiversal Black book of future ex-girlfriends. The first world was a gimme/discount. In fact, I am basically just stepping into the place of a well-foundationed Vegas pimp on my first day. I will alternate between semi cult followers to fangirls for my public persona, to just outgrowing Vegas sinful living etc. (I will have toured the world on not needed vacations). In other worlds I may start out as a world walker or have backstory. I will ween myself off of sinlife though but I guess it depends on the year. Remember in the real world I am only 3-4 so I needs to blow off some steam for a few hours and a whole consistent world is better than dream stuff. Consider me a kind of incubus , dream specialist that doesn’t parasite off anyone else.
Eventually my Vegas business will turn into a multiversal agency where I help people make wishes or find companions for a quest etc. In the real world I will advance computer science so I can make a Fulldive machine and maybe eventually a real holodeck. Artificial Intelligences etc. My latest design will go back in time to me and become Computer, thus I will become a loop. I will research in the real world the connections between thoughts hallucinations, dreams, and reality. IS there such a thing as magic even if it takes millions of people having the same desire to make a thing real or realish. Etc.
I will try to go through many of the levels of super person dome, street level-> onward. I will figure out what Supreme Beings do in their downtime and when they really focus on their craft. By the way I apologize for how harem heavy this all is… if it makes you feel better I can have a steady girlfriend instead and lots of multiversal friends. On a side note, Computer can emulate any power and grant it to me. It doesn’t have to be technology dependent, it could be technology plus. I like to think of suites of abilities like all the stuff that comes with Microsoft Office. I can download or emulate any ability I see but I prefer custom jobbies.
No limit make magic a thing and superpowers start appearing just to watch the world burn
What do you think?