Name: Mitsumi Yushirio
Alias: N/A
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, him, his
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: He holds a very serene expression and attitude at all times and seems to never let his emotions get the best of him, but Mitsumi is a very bitter and hateful person within and strongly dislikes humans as a whole and can be extremely cruel and harsh in both his words and actions.
He commonly puts the lives of others in danger regardless of their importance and shows little to no regret in causing the death of others
Occupation(Optional): Samurai
Peak Human Condition
Indomitable Will
Crescent Moon Malicious Moon Shrine
Half-Moon Twin Scythe
Foreshadowing Mountain - Dark Shrine
Waning Sunlight
Dark Reaper - Rice Field
Sorrowful Night, Whimpering Moon
Weaknesses: Even though Mitsumi is an exceptional swordsman, he's still a mere human and can be as easily killed as a human and has all the limitations that a human has.
Backstory: Mitsumi comes from a powerful and wealthy family, but his father was neglectful and abusive and he had a sick little brother that he dearly cared and loved, but he was forbidden from seeing his brother as his father believed that it would corrupt his family heir because of Mitsumi's brother's appearance and illness.
He lived a good chuck of his life isolated and restricted from both seeing anyone or going outside the real world.
Eventually his younger brother succumb to his illness. This left only him and his father that he so deeply despised with all his heart.
Years would go by and eventually Mitsumi would run away from his former home, but would end up meeting the mighty Daichi.
But even with years of swordsmanship training and defeating many noteworthy foes. All his achievements were all credited to his mentor instead while he was left in the shadows, out of the spotlight, and only given insults or rude comments in return for all his blood and hard work given.
In truth there's nothing mighty about Daichi as all the rumors about him were just all of Mitsumi's hard work and achievements.
Extra Info: Although he was taught to protect others and this was his original goal, but after being berated by so many insults and disrespected, he now solely wants power now.
Mitsumi has no alias because he's never been recognize or acknowledged by anyone.
Mitsumi is willing to gain power through any means necessary.