@Mortal Reminder616 you should honestly overhaul your entire verse. It has a lot of things going good like how he has limiters and how you wrote his personality, but I feel like you’re just trying to give him too much power then necessary. I don’t think your character being king and mafia leader makes any sense. A gang yes, but king of all monsters is pushing it. You’re power system of skills should just be thrown away imo. Finally having a character breaking the 3rd wall is always a huge risk that doesn’t pay off most of the time. Have the character reflect back on the story if you want a narration type of story.
But to answer your question it would be nice to see a young character that is on the other side, trying to convince him he chosen the wrong side. So he’s always conflicted like how you wrote his personality. (Unless the character is a antagonist)
Forgot to add but having a character with so much rage and not being blindsided with it is kinda a waste. It’s like you’re trying to merge black panther and ghost rider into one character. You should just have it as he has a gang to lead and his mob leader is trying to set him up early on. (So you can write how he becomes a mafia leader later on as the character develops) then bring in the young lover to conflict him.