63 Votes in Poll
@Heartless Frost @DOPOP @Brandon Daniels
@Cameron Washington @Omni-Defiance
@Asia2105 @Jordan isle @Omninboy @Eliakub19 @Juliet Ilios @Carcassfrozenyogurt @Dragonslayercoyote
Which voice would you cast for "The Main Antagonist"!
I misread Tim Curry as Jim carrey
Hamill has always had a certain tone that conveyed madness, especially when voicing Joker. I'd say Hamill would be my first choice.
It is and always will be hamil. Anyone who voted otherwise is uncultured
Although tbf, if Niel Kaplan was on this list, i would say theres good arguments either way
I voted for Tim Curry, he rocked the role of Pennywise!
Jk man all are good choices, but come on you can't ignore Mark's iconic voice
Don’t get me wrong, I loved Mark Hamil’s Joker, I just thought that Tim Curry’s Voice as Pennywise and Hexxus was classy and kind of charming in a sinister sort of way!
Nah ur totally right dude, he was amazing. Just pulling your leg a little
What do you think?