171 Votes in Poll
Dragon definitely
I chose Transcendent Demon. And I assume I am in Hell when I become a Transcendent Demon
Bad News: I'm in Hell and a Transcendent Demon
Good News: I'm in Hell and a Transcendent Demon
As for what I would do with my new found powers I could do a LOT with them. Using Absolute Intelligence to learn whatever I want. I would then break out of Hell using my new found knowledge and create a human form for myself. After that I would try to become an ascended transcendent demon fixing the hole that I made of course. After I became an ascended transcendent demon who knows. I might settle down and start a family.
Be a transcendent demon. I will act like a normal demon and when a human summon me I will just stick around with them making them unable to get ride of me even if they try with excorcism or general anything a demon should be weak against.
Fly around in a demon/dragon hybrid form without doing anything destructive to see how people would react whether that would be trying to kill me or not.
I would manipulate the past and make it so that on October 15, 2010 so much bitcoin is magically bought by me that when I trade in bitcoin for money on December 8, 2017 I get back at least $9.9,999,999,999,999,999e+999.
Make 13 the beginning age of being able to work instead of 14 and manipulate the past to make it so that i begin working multiple remote six-figure range jobs Simultaneously on my 13th birthday.
Officially get emancipated on my 16th birthday so that I can be a legal adult before turning 18.
I would make it so that I actually moved into my own place the day after I turn 16 years old.
I would make it so that I graduate from U of H for my real estate license at the same time of me graduating from high school.
Create my own real estate business on that same day with me being the only employe and gain an official total of $ 777,777,777,777,777,777,777 by the time of 3 months after & chiliaded the total profit each 3 months that pass.
Force myself to be more social and hang out with friends more.
Create my own legit video games.
Take advantage of me being the lord/embodiment of time and make it so that I was always a straight a student based on my efforts alone
I would choose Transcendent Dragon and make a human form for myself. I woud be the dragon of Boundaries as i have the power to Manipulate Boundaries. I would go by the name of Shinra and go on adventures from different anime worlds.
Transcendent Fairy/Elf. As I am female, I will use it to startle the crap outta people.
Almudron S Set | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (fextralife.com) This armor, male version, fitted to female body type. Reason: Elven/fairy females are unfairly treated with armor that would be a death wish without plot armor.
Almudron Blade I | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki (fextralife.com) This sword, less curved, therefore easier to use. Reason: Elves always use bows when the orcs get swords, axes, and hammers.
Pin on Halloween Eva 2017 (pinterest.com) These wings. Reason: They're FREAKING COOL.
Of course, people wouldn't be scared once they knew me. They'd just be horrifically startled to find out after a battle that not only am I female, a fairy, and evil looking, but that I was actually pretty nice to other people.
Oh thatis pretty interesting @00autumnsvibes00
Transcedent dragon make a pockect dimesion
Vampire trancedence
Wow this brings back memories.
What do you think?