You were going about your day when suddenly you were thrown a mystical world full of mythical humanoid species mystically empowered humans by a strange tare in reality but that's not all you see your not the first visitor from earth to come to this magical realm(known as Dire for convenience) the same tare in reality brought objects from earth to Dire years before it brought you here one thing was superhero encyclopedia book made comic book company(whos name is not important) describing all fictional heroes the company had made and the definition of a superhero which landed in the ruler of Dire(whose name is Apollo for convenience) lap. Apollo got an idea from the book and decided implement what is known in this land as the champion system. how the champion system works is like medieval version of the pro hero system from mha but with a few other things. A sapient being with unique power in skill who believes in justice can be chosen to become a champion(superhero) who will defend and help the innocent of Dire this can be accomplished by many different ways like doings difficult task for your village or training under an older champion as their student(sidekick) there are 8 different class that champions can set in to identify what power they have
Spring: champion who agile and fast or have air based based abilities
Star: champion who utilize energy based abilities or energy weapons
Tamer: champion who use animals they've domesticated or have beast like powers
Engine: champions with access to advance technology either through their intelligence or having mechanical bodies themselves
Strife: champions whos use very immoral tactics and many taboo forms of magic
Leaf: champions who uses mystical plants and herbs or have supernatural connection with nature
Stone: champions who are either strong and durable or have based abilities
Sea: champions with powers and abilities connected to the ocean or water in general
Revival: champion who have powers and abilities that can be used to heal or strengthen other beings and also repair objects like tools weapons and even structures
Survivor: champions who have a high resistance to damage or can heal unusually quick and also champions who wield very dangerous or heavy weaponry
Nightmare: champions who have are undead or have abilities associated with beings who are undead
Elusive: champions who use illusion, appearance altering and other trick based abilities
Once your accepted as a champion you get magical set of knight's armor and champion alias(hero name) based of your powers along with pin on said armor that display the a symbol representing your class
Also humans in this world can be born with or obtain mystic powers these humans are strange-bloods
The journey over to Dire transformed you into a strange blood and you were taken in by a small village called RiverFate who is under threat of a being raided by powerful demonic thieves and the village elects you as its protector because of your strange-blood power after dealing with thieves your promoted champion
So how do you react what's your strange blood power what's your class what does your armor look like and what's your champion name also how do you interact with Apollo and other champions(no picking omni or trancedence)