Can someone explain what Aether, Nether, and Ethereal Manipulation are?
Can someone explain what Aether, Nether, and Ethereal Manipulation are?
The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana. So in other words a source of lifeforce, energy that focus on creation of life or life giving energies.....used in various ways.
The source of powers such as Death-Force Manipulation, Dark Arts, Necromancy, and Mediumship. The best way to explain this is the essence of death, decay, entropy
The power to manipulate ethereal energies/forces from various planes of existence. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence. Combination of Aether and Nether Manipulation. (So this is more tricky but think of aether and nether as parts of something greater. So when the two are togerher they form etheral (a type of divinity) alone aether is life force type energy on a greater scale. Alone nether is death force energy on greater scale but together it is the very air the gods breathe and manipulate
The user can create, shape and manipulate ethereal and otherworldly energy from various planes of existence and utilize it in a manner that would give them a god-like status throughout existence. <-It says here if a person uses ethereal energy from various planes (they draw the source of that energy from x y z planes/realms of existance) and use it to see how they see fit so i hope all that made sense and if im wrong and someone explains it better than me than that will help further your understanding but as of right bow that how I understand it and I hope it helps.
@Mysterylobo that helped, thank you
No problem.
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