Honestly Narration sounds better to me. For 3 reasons. The first being that you can write that you have great writing skill especially if you're someone like me who's an okay writer but you need help remembering where to put the proper punctuation and such, So you know where to dot your I's and cross your T's. Second you could bind the power to objects or manifest it in a certain way. For example like the Ghost Writer from Danny Phantom who manifests a keyboard (and I'm assuming he can manifest his power in other ways if he wanted to, he just chose an modern method) that gives him his power of narration plus it doesn't have to be stories you could write a small paragraph about some or a sentence and it'll come true. Third and this one is my favorite because you can write about yourself you set your own limitations or weaknesses. I like that because for me I don't think having access to that kind of power constantly is good so I'd like to be able to set my own limits or how the power works.