You got a version of the Omnitrix that allows you to transform into fictional characters from a specific universe and obtain their powers skills and memories however there are some complications those being that this Omnitrix works like the original meaning you you only access to 10 transformations at first and will later unlock the rest you still time out(by the way the time out is not effected by Omnipotents or reality bending) and you can also get the wrong transformation with this one too along with there are new things about this Omnitrix whenever you time out instead of just timing out you will split into your original self with the Omnitrix and a clone the character you were transformed into. This clone will memories skills interests and a personality that’s based of a mix of what you did and said as them and the character they a clone of.
Here are the options for what fictional universe this version of the Omnitrix has can have access too:(along the first 10 characters you can transform into)
Undertale/deltarune: toriel asgore undyne papyrus sans alphys metatton khris(lightener) susie(lightener) ralsie
Sonic Archie comics: Sonic Sally acorn(post super genesis wave) Tails Nicole (holo lynx form) bunnie rabbot rotor Antoine Amy cream shard
My hero academia: deku backugo uraraka froppy kirishima kaminari jiruo todoroki momo mina
Steven universe: Steven garnet amethyst pearl peridot lapis bismuth Connie lion jasper
Miraculous ladybug: ladybug chat noir rena rouge carapace queen bee lady WiFi the bubbler viperion multimouse caprikid
My little pony g4: twilight sparkle rainbow dash rarity pinkie pie apple jack flutter shy spike starlight candence
(side note you will also have the power to any on hand weaponry that character has at will but not anything like the chaos emeralds or the human souls just stuff like Sally’s laser ring)
So what character do you transform into first how do react and what do you do