178 Votes in Poll
Yeah, I already did and the process is still on but I just wanted to get your opinion on it.
I'm unsure. Cosmic Otherness has some broken applications as well as Unity, although Autopotence might give Cosmic Otherness the edge.
My only worry with Cosmic Otherness is whether you can even interact with creation anymore. I mean, you are distinct from all laws, logic and limitations, so you could argue that there's nothing to stop you from doing so, but you are also distinct from all creation, so you could also argue that your mere existence would tear apart local reality. You could never be a normal person again. Then again, that second part would also go for Unity.
Though it also states that they have the "ability to forgo, include, and deny every physical/metaphysical concept, law, and substance made", which seems to suggest that they can, should they wish to, include aspects of existence to allow interaction with it and to live a more normal life, at least compared to the state of true otherness that they are otherwise in.
Can some1 explain what Cosmic Otherness is about? Prior to the edit, it made sense. there cannot be another YOU and there never will be. Now it's what??
@Ethereum06 You are absolutely distinct from everything, even the totality itself. It is no longer that no-one will ever be like you, but that nothing has or will ever be like you. You possess an absolute level of 'otherness' that allows you to distinguish yourself from everywhere, everywhen, all laws, logic and limitations, essentially meaning you operate off of no rules whatsoever, or that you operate off of rules entirely distinct to you.
You (may) also have the capability to change the extent to which you are different to everything else, allowing you to 'forgo, include, and deny every physical/metaphysical concept, law, and substance'. Basically, you choose what is a part of your existence.
Either way, the end result is an existence that adheres to no rules recognisable to the totality - even almighty laws do not apply, as you are distinct from them - granting a godly level of freedom that allows the user to do essentially anything they want.
By the way, are you sure you're not thinking of Singularity? As far as I can tell, Cosmic Otherness has always been like this. Here: this is the first version of it.
I am different from everyone, in fact, all people are different,so is not matter how or what i am,because i am different anyway
@AzQth There was 1 Edit of Cosmic Otherness which was near similar to Singularity, top of that, it made it unusually clear what is the true objective of the power compared to other abilities. also, Thanks for the lengthy and detailed explanation
@Ethereum06 No problem ^-^
What do you think?