I made some changes
@Abdalla1234 @Jordan isle @Heartz13 I have a question for you guys. Two of the demons which one is a Dream Demon and another one is a regular Demon, they got married and have a child, does it mean that their child is still the same regular demon?
I guess the offspring would be able to inherit the dream demon powers, but they would be somewhat diluted.
So, yes I guess. Probably a half dream demon.
@Heartz13 where have you been all this time?? I’ve been mentioned you but you never responded.
But what if their child doesn’t have that kind of dream abilities?
Sorry about that, I tend to be very preoccupied!
Also, I’m in college now, STOCKTON University, bro!
Did I mention that I was in college before, Asia? I feel like it might’ve slipped my mind!
I don’t know
Anyways, real sorry for not answering a lot of your stuff.
I’ll try to keep my eye out for you the next time you reply to me.
It’s okay. Talk to you later
Aku meets Marvels Nightmare dream demon
What do you think?