What would you do if you have Nigh Omnipotence in real life. And how would you use that power
Like for instance would you become a jerk corrupted by this level of power or would you you use it to help others
What would you do if you have Nigh Omnipotence in real life. And how would you use that power
Like for instance would you become a jerk corrupted by this level of power or would you you use it to help others
I’d cause a Conjunction type event, the world is so boring an mundane. I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels this way, so I’ll bring the supernatural and way to gain powers into existence.
I would have done the same shiii
Use Nigh-Omnipotence to get fire manipulation lol
I would do the absolute most to get more powerful and do my best to achieve omnipotence then once I successfully do achieve it I'd do something kind of like a crisis on infinite earths event and everyone would get powers but it'll be just like retconning in a comic book instead of people gaining powers and not knowing how to use them I'll make it so everyone having powers basically always existed and everyone always had powers and of course I would be the most powerful so I would just watch humanity like a netflix show or make a weaker body for me to control (like a ready player one type control) and then go have fun
Time to make Korean fantasy manhwas real!
If I gained nigh-omnipotence, I would first remove necessities. People would no longer need food, water, or air, and neither would animals and plants. I would create an island that I would govern, and everyone who goes there will gain an implicit understanding of the laws based on what I consider wrong. In fact, I would share this law of mine with every person in the world. They would all know what I despise.
Additionally, I wouldn't stop people from worshiping me. They can call me a god and build me shrines, but even if they didn't, my people wouldn't need to worry since they don't have to do any of this to receive my favor.
I'm not 100% sure how I would feel if people did come to think of me as a god, which considering my power, is highly likely. But I do know that with me around. I would have to get rid of the religions of the world since they would either be against me or try to use me to push their doctrine.
Let's face it I would "totally" live with people treating me as their god. I can't think of one reason I would deny such an honor. And I know I would give people some rules since I'm somewhat stubborn and opinionated. Though unlike religions and other stuff, they won't be anything crazy. I'm not some so call merciful god that demands absolute obedience, or I'll torture you for eternity. No, I'm better than that. I'm far less petty than any known god.
As for sickness and disease, that would be a thing of the past no need to worry about it. And for bad people, I would rewrite them, retconning their life, changing them and their history.
As for changing the past, I would share this with my followers. If someone was assaulted or something else bad happened to them, I could change the event for them. Even if someone they loved died, I would be willing to bring them back to life. Hell, I'd even bring back pets if someone cared enough to ask.
On a less touchy point, I would also help people with other problems. Such as gender and personal freedom. If you want to be a different gender, go for it, an anthropomorphic animal person. Sure, why not. Also, childbirth is unnecessarily harsh, so I'd make it not that way.
Ultimately there would be more freedom for everybody with how I'll use my power. Though, some things would be lost. Including some "freedoms," but it would be for the best. I can't say people would be too concerned with it. The freedoms you'll lose aren't beneficial anyway.
As for the people from Superpower wiki, I'd probably summon them to have some kind of party. And take them to a place like the Moon, and you won't need protective gear, thanks to me. This would be something fun I would do, where I give out wishes and powers. But nothing too crazy, anything I give would be reasonable, so there would be no high-tier superpowers. Isekai may be fine, but that ties into the multiverse, and if that's a thing. Well, I'll have to make that better since I wouldn't feel satisfied knowing there are other worlds and there are bad things I can stop. So I guess I'd have to use a shadow clone ability to make more of myself, one for each universe in the multiverse. So with that, there would be an uncountably infinite number of me. But at least I'll feel good knowing that every universe is better for it.
I could think of more, but this is enough, I think. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't even know what to say to you. -._-.
Now that is creative I would be really lazy but could think of fun scenerios
@Omni-Defiance Definitely stole the cake for this post X)
For me, I would use my power to fix the world into a perfect one. That means getting rid of all governments, political powers, teaching people to love and getting along with other without a hint of racism, fixing the environment with 0 pollution, and all resources will be free because I’ll make it to where there is a almost infinite abundance of food and other necessities.
Other than that, I’ll probably just travel to fictional realities and be in my own little world.
Well I'm bored and have nothing better to do so I shall give a good answer to this user.
First of all I'am nigh omnipotent Oh great me time to make everything hell.
The first thing I cause of course is to increase the universe to an hyperverse. I would thenn start to make more and more changes then you know adding magic, QI and many more fantasy type of energy after I did all of that I will allow humanity to gain achievement to travel to other worlds but oppsss they opened a portal to a world filled with demons and all that what a concidence (It isn't)
I then swoop in and give everyone a system to make them grow and watch them fight for their survival against the demons when I go and help sometimes so that they beat the demons I then start to make portals come naturaly out and each time a new portal opens a new specie of monsters come out the amount of portals that will exist will be so a portal for each country I don't care if the country is destroyed or not a offical one.
When all the portals came I increase the intensity of the survival game that I forced humanity into with opening towers in all the countries and tell them in there people are safe and can gain many treasures but not telling them that inside there are more dangerous mosnters but are beatable in groups.
I will never allow humanity to die off. I say after around a million years I will give humanity new help different species who'm I also created a million years ago and had the same fate as earth now a connection between all these word exist and it cannot be broken. Meaning more help are there but also way more monsters.
I then destroy all towers at the same time and watch another for a long time what they all will do. I will make it also so taht the portals that had an unknown amount of monsters in them would then only be more active for around 7 days.
Each time a day passes a verse? or so idk what the talk about creation and all and in 7th will be the well known word "On the seventh day god rested" and giving them all some peace.
Now that is where I will see how paranoid they all are and the moment their guards are down thinking it is finished I will make the final game start. Of course they can prepare for it I give them time for around hmmm 1 trillion years now to note that I will of course allow them to be capable of doing nearly anything by that time with magic, Qi and all that so that they can live that long and have a good chance to win in this last game.
In the last game I open I will make embodiments appear from well known concepts each one at the time and make them fight against everything these beings will be equale in power and I say a well organized army of supernatural beings all being almost almighty can beat each embodiment if done right. I won't restrict amount that can take place or so in the end I create a avatar of mineself and grant them all a single wish that they would like to make.
After that I just go into a deep slumber and just sleep and maybe later do a round two
What do you think?