193 Votes in Poll
Item: Arm-Ring
Power: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Omnifarious
What I’d do: use it to make my life better and make new hybrid forms
What item you choose? The library
What its powers? The libray has the ability to bestow abilities on anyone reads its books
What would you do with it? Well see I learned immortality, enhanced ability learning, lordship of various types, and I made all the items listed above from learning supernatural divine blacksmith skills and unlimited magic. My abilities improved so much that I became lord of the library and created branches of the library that are run by those who failed to return books. Each person who came to be borrowed a book from my library if they refuse to return it they simply become workers of the library. They only get one ability certain books within areas of the library such as the restricted section means that certain knowledge is too dangerous in the wrong hands. As I continue my growth I became a deity. While my main job is librarian I do enjoy freedom such as adventures and anything else my hearts desires. My books became so amazing schools like hogworts, brakebills, kamar taj and the library has been known to borrow books from me. These are well known examples of my library now as a deity I oversee all knowledge/poweers eventually my library will be known across the multiverse and in fact I started black clover verse. (I hope that was fun for you guys as it was for me I love letting my imagination run wild.)
Ring:golden ring
Powers:Omni Empowerment
What to do:I go about my business and try and find others and since it is Omni and can gain Powers through Empowerment and what is related to it I gain every power I guess by everything and done
Chose the library.
Power; it's a library... you learn things.
Name; *** (Ancient dialect unable to be pronounced by a human vocal organ)
Closest equivalent; Library of the collective wisdom of humankind.
Contents; the collection contains all information, books, media and countless artifacts that human kind can, have or could ever produce. From the smallest revolutionary idea that was scribbled on a napkin at a bar and then forgotten about until years later to the ideas that openly changed the way humans thought about the world.
There's no real power to the library, but it's more what the library contains that grants it power. Everything humans could ever produce, so long as they're considered humanity, is stored within. From the arts and sciences, to magical knowledge that not all humankind was able to use,. From basic information about how to create farmland to manipulating spatial dimensions to starship creation. All such knowledge is contained within.
The library even has a student education system for those who wish to learn.
What item you choose: Ring
What its powers: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Fiction_Travel?so=search
What you would do with it: Well after putting the ring on the Ability Intuition instantly activates and I know how to activate and control the rings power of Fiction Travel. I learn that I can travel to any fictional world/worlds I knew of from before I got the ring and if I want to travel to new ones I need to watch an episode/movie, read/listen to a book/comic ECT in any order to gain access to a new one or I can use a medium to travel to that point in time (retconed or not) in that world's history. I also learned quite happily that no matter how long I'm away in the fictional worlds hours or days in there are just minutes back here and no matter how long I'm away I return at the exact age both physically and mentally I was when I left but I still retain all my memories from my time away (if you saw or read the first chronicles of Narnia it's like that) but I also keep any clothes, gear, weapons ECT I was wearing or had on my person when I decided to return home. All the same goes for anyone I bring with me on my travels the max I can bring with me included makes 4. So if I wanted to bring characters back with me so if it exceed the number they can't come with (the way people can come with me is like Goku's instant transmission). The way to return back home(real world) is by tapping the ring once and even if we're separated (if people from the real world came with me) regardless of distance we all return home ( we return to the spot we left from when we return home or as close as we can get to it if objects or people are in the way but we all return safely and healed of any injuries or alignments/illnesses we had or contracted in our travels no matter how severe). Fictional characters if I wanted to bring them to the real world they must do what the others did to travel with me originally, in order to send them home I'd need to tap the ring and since I'm in the real world any fictional character or characters I brought with me from there worlds return home at the exact moment they left (the reason is to not mess with any of the fictions they are plucked from). lastly learned that if the ring no matter where I am goes missing, lost or is stolen it always returns near me or on my finger (Think of the remote from the movie Click) Once I learned all that I'd start to travel to my favorite fictional worlds either on my own or with my friends and family. (Any and all objects and characters retain there full powers, abilities and skills no matter what fictional universe they travel to with me or if they come back here to the real world also any gear, weapons ECT they or I bring with me or back home with me works the same as it does in there home universe's)
What Item I Chose: Ring
Its Power: Quantum Tunneling
I can utilize Quantum Mechanics to shift my body through different states or realities.
What Would I Do With It: Whoever bears this ring (AKA me), has been selected with the very important task of being a multiversal, time traveling temp worker. You have been gifted with the ability to travel through multiple realities, time periods, and planes to take various temp jobs. You have also been stuck in a state of quantum uncertainty so you can’t age or die while wearing the ring. Also if you’re worried about being stuck working for all of eternity, don’t worry. You have vacation days and you can relax as long as you want but you must at least 2 temp jobs per week or your ring would deactivate and send you home.
What item would you choose: The Library
What's it's power: Grimoires Of Creation: Each grimoire holds every and all magic, spells, curses, enchantments, etc. that under their domain:
For Example:
The Book of Life:
Medical Magic
Mystical Healing
Animation Manipulation
Biological Magic
Death Negation
Death Prevention
Evolutionary Magic
Fertility Magic
Life Magic
Life Perception
Pain Suppression
Psychic Operation
Reincarnation Manipulation
Resurrection Manipulation
Spell Casting
Spirit Magic
The Book of Death:
Aura Absorption
Conjuration - deceased souls and/or corpses
Soul Summoning
Undead Summoning
Death Inducement
Death Magic
Death Sense
Divination - by contacting dead/undead beings
Ectoplasm Manipulation
Life-Force Absorption
Mold Manipulation - dead matter
Motor-Skill Manipulation - dead/undead beings
Pain Inducement
Pain Suppression
Spell Casting
Spirit Magic
Soul Absorption
Soul Manipulation
Entropy Magic
Undead Manipulation
Phantasm Manipulation
Zombie Manipulation
Vampire Manipulation
The Book of Order:
Absolute Law Manipulation
Absolute Physical Law Manipulation
Almighty Law Creation
Exotic Law Manipulation
Law Manipulation
Supernatural Law Manipulation
Absolute Restoration
Causality Manipulation
Chaos Immunity
Chaos Negation
Creation Magic
Concord Manipulation
Destiny Manipulation
Destiny Magic
Meta Fate Manipulation
Harmony Magic
Judgment Manipulation
Justice Manipulation
Permutation Manipulation
Peace Manipulation
Principle Manipulation
Stability Manipulation
Oath Manipulation
Order Manipulation
Order Energy Manipulation
Order Weaponry
Spell Casting
Subordination Manipulation
Truth Manipulation
Axiom Manipulation
The Book of Chaos:
Absolute Change
Absolute Will
Absolute Wish
Anarchy Manipulation
Change Inducement
Chaos Manipulation
Chaos Energy Manipulation
Chaos Matter Manipulation
Chaos Negation
Chaos Sense
Chaotic Vision
Chaos Weaponry
Conceptual Magic
Destruction Magic
Disaster Magic
Discord Manipulation
Disturbance Manipulation
Elemental Magic
Emotion Magic
Essence Magic
Forbidden Knowledge
Imagination Manifestation
Immaterial Manipulation
Logic Manipulation
Logic Distortion
Matter Magic
Order Disruption
Order Immunity
Order Negation
Paradox Manipulation
Paradox Inducement
Probability Manipulation
Randomness Manipulation
Reality Sundering
Reality Warping
Alpha Reality
Reality Randomization
Spell Casting
Transmutation Magic
Truth Manipulation
Uncertainty Manipulation
War Magic
Weather Magic
What would you do with it:
I would study each and every single books to learn different variations of Magicks not to become the most powerful or OP, but to better prepare myself when I take a journey into the unknown.
Item: The Eternal Library
Power: Indexing
What to do: Become an average scholar/collector that can even cheat dead by sending himself into a book. With such database people wouldn't need to hibernate when the end of the world comes.
What do you think?