62 Votes in Poll
You live in a world where people can be born with or (obtain through certain events)superhuman abilities and the government has built various high tech schools to train these people to become government sponsored superhero that help in rescue or law enforcement against those who use their powers for immoral purposes. Each school is made to train a superhuman with a certain type of power. You are a superhuman who has been sent to alter prime a school meant to train superhumans with elemental and energy based powers.
Your powers can be one the following elemental powers:
Nuclear vision: shoot an incredibly powerful and destructive blast of radiation and heat that level a few entire building if not use carefully
Poison light: emit a light from your hands that can induce any illness you chose in whoever is touched by said light any illness given can removed by you by just willing it
Thunder wheel: manifest a mini van sized flying wheel made of sound that you can mentally move and direct
Earth replica: turn into an almost exact copy of any one you have spoken to( in body age voice gender mannerisms and your clothes change into whatever their currently wearing) the only difference being your body is made out indestructible gray organic stone while transformed into someone you gain access to their skills and memories though you don’t receive any superhuman abilities they have but a powerful crystal tool based off that persons skill will appear in your hand also the transformation only lasts 8 hours before you change back if you transform into a single person multiple times you slowly start to act more that person while that form
Grim lightning: absorb pain and death from others(and heal them in the process) as it’s an energy turn into purple electricity that be manipulated by you
Wind freezing: freeze the air around you as if it were water to create constructs which by the way aren’t affected by gravity at all
Also to make things more interesting you have been assigned to a team with the other members having the powers on the list above that you didn’t have (basically there will be team member for power above except the one you voted for having) and you and this team will be training together to become a government sponsored superhero team I get to the identities of the other members in a later poll or the post version so for now just imagine their personalities and appearance as those of the kind of people you would expect to have those powers also you
So what your power how do train it what do you do with it(when doing hero work and free time) whats your role on the team also what’s your hero name
What do you think?