In this and this post, me, the great SPG (short for my title), was granting specific powers to people out there.
But, since he is bored, he reseted everything yet again and now shall grant new powers to people.
So, imagine (if you participated in the former posts) that you never received that said power, instead you'll be receiving now.
To the people who don't know what is, basically: I am an almighty power-granter that can grant any kind of power.
However, instead of being a regular Power Bestowing post, I'll give you a specific and detailed power created by the people on some Reddit subs (more specifically the God-Tier/Titan-Tier Superpowers). Yeah, I took the powers from there (because sorry, I don't have that enough imagination to come up with detailed things to more than 10 people XD)
This is not a post where you ask me for the power you want, you have to ask me to grant you a power and I'll grant it based on my choosings.
Don't expectate for great powers by first, because depending on my mood, it can be a good/bad/average/meh/okay/silly/serious/other power.
Don't be upset if you don't like the granted power, this post it's just for fun, and also (in the way I like to say): you wouldn't receive any actual powers anyway.